Euskal Artzainak Ameriketan

Basque-American Sheepherders Association

EAA is a non-profit association from Navarre of Basque Sheepherders in America, which was officially founded in 2011 (although it has been carrying out its mission since 2006). Its aim is to improve and expand the lives of people who emigrated to the United States as sheepherders.

The association believes that these people have written a part of history. The youth who went to North American territories from Navarre and the Basque Autonomous Community proved that we are a people with our language and customs while also leaving a legacy of hard-working and loyal people on American soil.

Shepherd's Museum

This small museum, located in an old mill, behind the Elgorriaga spa, houses dozens of memories from those years on its two floors, with photos of the protagonists and some of the memories of their time in the American West.

Aezkoako Kultur Ola Space

It is an exhibition space that contains the essence of the territory and its people.

Kultur Ola is built on the four axes of heritage, nature, culture and Irati Forest.

Photographic archive

Do you want to collaborate with the association?

Send photographs or materials about the sheepherders’ trips and expand the association’s photographic archives.

Write us

Digital Archives

Euskal Artzainak Ameriketan carries out work to recover and archive material and intangible heritage from the history of Basque sheepherders. Therefore, we are creating accessible archives with the participation of families and institutions in our community.

© EUSKAL ARTZAINAK AMERIKETAN ELKARTEA | Errota/Molino, Elgorriaga (Nafarroa) +34 618 96 00 16 | E-mail